Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I just might like.... Solange.....Yea I know

So I've been listening to some of Solange Knowles' new music and I'm feeling her right now. I must admit that I never cared much about her before, but I was pleasantly surprised by her new material. She is going for a different sound than she has before and it is very different from her sister's body of work (which is refreshing, although I luv Bee). I really hope that she will do well with this project and finally get some much needed credibility as an artist. Her new album will be called Soul Angel and the Hadley Street Dreams. Interesting title. I'll be listening for more of her stuff. Check it out, you might just like her too!

I really like this one...

She's a weed head... who'da thunk it?

last one

Look What I

Ok, I may be a little late on this one, but I just discovered a really cool website... .com. This is a site where you can buy tees with ORIGINAL designs. I like it because all of the designs are made by regular people. People can submit their designs on the site and over a period of seven days the threadless community scores and comments on the design. From there the staff at Threadless decides whether on not to use the design for a shirt (which could take a while.... one girl's design went to print two years after submission... but don't give up!) If chosen the designer gets $2,000 in cash, $500 Threadless Gift Certificate (which can be redeemed for $200 cash), and $500 in cash each time your design is reprinted. Very Nice....So if you have an aspiring designer in you go for it! If not, go and BUY :-)

I think that is pretty cool. Here are SOME of my favorites. I have more but i don't have time to put them all up. Plus it would be extra long (the post that is). As you can see, I'm quite fond of the way things stand out on black. I can't wait to get some of these.... Enjoy.

They have nice titles too.... You'll have to check out the website for all that though.

Monday, March 10, 2008

90s Moment...2.0

This moment is dedicated to one of the greatest entertainers EVER.... Drum roll please........ Michael Jackson aka THE MAN. I have loved his music since the first time my father played his Off the Wall album (and i do mean album) when I was little. I remember doing dances to his songs and driving my family CRAZY listening to him all day. There's really no way for me to explain how important this man is to music and that would be a really long post if i did. So lets focus on one song......... Remember the Time is one of my favorite songs by Mr. Jackson. The song popped in my head the other day and I rediscovered my love for it. The song itself was wonderful and the video was phenominal. The video is a good 9 mins long and I enjoy every second. Set in ancient Egypt, it featured groundbreaking visual effects and appearances by Eddie Murphy, Iman, and Magic Johnson along with a distinct complex dance routine ( HOT FIRE) that I memorized and still kind of remember. So lets take a moment and remember the time when Michael Jackson was on top of the world....(insert dreamy music)...

The Definition of RANDOM...... crazy flashback

I am extremely RANDOM. I know this, don't deny it, and embrace every random thought that comes to mind. I don't know why but while working (or hardly working I should say... I know wack, but WHATEVA), one of the most out-of-the-blue memories popped into my head. Now brace yourself for something so random you may not even remember it............................................

The Brave Little Toaster

This movie was released by Disney in 1987 and shows the journey of a group of small appliances as they set out to find their owner who left them behind many years before. This was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. This movie made me appreciate things, because I thought everything had feelings. The appliances had anthropomorphic faces and talked. Looking back now I realize the movie is kind of scary and has been described as Blade Runner (a sci-fi classic) for kids... This may be the true start of my sci-fi journey... but anyway...There are many scenes where other appliances are taken apart, smashed, or meet with some kind of destruction. There are also weird hallucinogenic sequences.... Friggin Great.

Other than that its very encouraging and teaches lessons about confidence, perseverance, loyalty, and friendship. It manages to be a very sweet and enjoyable film. Anyway....Who knows why I thought of it, but regardless of the reason, it deserves a post.

~Here's a montage of the scenes I found on YouTube. It shows the darker side of the film~

Saturday, March 8, 2008

THE WIRE....{sigh}

So..... I'm in love with THE WIRE. I could easily call it my favorite show right now. If you're as obsessed with the show as I am, you know that the final episode EVER will be airing tomorrow. For five seasons I have become attached to the characters and now that it's over I am filled with sadness... {sigh}... Anyway. The wire is one of the realist shows on TV right now and I hate to see it go. Call your friends and have a Farewell party for The Wire.

Here's the preview...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

90s Moment... 1.0

I've been told that I'm stuck in the 90s. I must admit that in many ways I probably am, but the 90s were pretty good to me. Being an 80s baby and a child of the 90s is really something to brag about. The 90s was the last GREAT decade to be a kid in. The MUSIC (classic), the CARTOONS (untouchable), the GAMES ( friggin awesome), I could go on and on...... and on. I mean... reminiscing about naps, snacks, sloppy joes, freeze tag, dodge ball, and RECESS can really brighten up and ADULT day.

So......Here's a salute to the days long gone when we listened to music way too old for us and loved it, woke up early Saturday mornings to watch the best cartoons ever, and had to be home before the street lights came on........

Anyway.... I say all this to introduce my 90s moment of the day. Earlier today, just as I was telling my mom how I wish I could hear more of MY oldies on the radio, I hear one of my favorite songs ever. Come and talk to me by JODECI. When it came on I got a vivid flash back of being over my cousin's house and asking my aunt if I could get a glass of juice (since I would have gotten yelled at if I poured it myself even though I could do it) and she laughed at me for asking for stuff all the time. I got the juice and I went into the living room and this song was playing on THE BOX (throw back). I instantly fell in love with the song and me and my cousins sang it for the whole summer. Yea... that was RANDOM but, every time I here this song I feel like a little kid again.

Here's the video....