Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Drumroll Please..... The Treasure Hunt of the Century...... Somebody is Creative

Have you ever been asked to play a game without any knowledge of what you're in for? Well I had the pleasure of playing a game that a friend created and it turned out to be the Greatest Treasure Hunt EVER!!!!
Here's a summary......
  1. A letter was left on my car that I could not open until morning and it told me to throw on clothes and put on a special watch. I then had to jump in the car and thus, the adventure commenced.....
  2. off we go......

  3. Phase One - Go to park, look under designated picnic table for letter and toy (a very important Spiderman toy),before opening the letter go to the top of the hill in the park and take a picture playing with the toy. So much fun!

At the picnic table (where the toy was) a man was chilling; enjoying the day I guess. I was really nice and kind of laughed when i said I was on a treasure hunt. Lol....


    he got me..

  1. Phase Two - Second letter says....Go to a school playground, find another letter and glasses in a slot by old pool house. Before opening the letter, take a picture swinging on a swing and another sliding down the slide, both with the glasses on

At this stop I met a cop who was walking a dog. I looked at me a little suspiciously, but kept it moving.

    Lol... I'm a BIG kid.

  1. Phase Three - Third letter said... Go to recreation center, under top level of bleachers find another letter and a picture. Before opening the letter, take a picture kissing the picture on pitcher's mound of baseball field.

On my first try there was a baseball game in process so I had to postpone this phase of the game for a while... But I did it just like I promised :-)

  1. Phase Four - The fourth letter said.... Go to abandoned house, look in mailbox and find the last letter and a surprise (THE PRIZE), before opening the letter take a picture in front of house (which had a forest of grass growing in lawn) and another with a pile of crazy grass in hand while showcasing a special watch.

The old couple living next door to the house looked at me ALL crazy when I walked up to the mailbox, but after I told them about my mission they laughed and the man said something "funny" about the crazy grass.

  1. Phase Five - Post a blog about the adventure and open THE PRIZE

The prize was a cd with the pictures from the Kanye Concert that I'd been waiting for. When I got home I was still a bit JOE so I decided to take some more pictures of the treasures I found.

This was the most random, fun, romantic adventure game thing I have ever played. The journey began at 9am on a Saturday morning. And I was down for whatever. I like surprises and having fun so I didn't ask any questions. Next time someone (that you trust) asks you to play a game. Play.... You"ll be happy you did. I was :-)

Thanx, Mr. Chocolately Good

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I need EXCITEMENT in my life..... Passion for the EXTREME

So I think I've told just about everyone I know about some of the reckless, exhilarating stuff that I want to do. Up until now I have been keeping my activities pretty tame, but i is time to step it up. Driving fast and riding roller coasters just don't do it for me anymore. Here goes (in no particular order)...


  • Own and Ride a motorcycle

  • jet ski

  • rock climb

  • scuba dive

  • Become a licenced pilot (so serious i almost considered the air force)

  • more things to come (I can't remember everything right now)........

I plan to do all of these things. I just need to find some brave souls who would accompany me on my journey. Or maybe I won't wait for anyone.... Wish me luck :-)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Random Flash Back......

So maybe it's not all that random ( i can't take full credit for the randomness)..... In one of the Notorious B.U.M. videos I posted earlier, he starts singing a song by the 70s rock band, The Eagles called Hotel California. I used to love this song. I've already mentioned how my dad played all kinds of music, and he'd play their music all the time when I was a kid. We would sing all of the words and he would play the air drums as I played the air guitar (Good Times). So, thanks to J. Slash for reminding me about this song, and my dad for putting me on in the first place. I'm about to borrow this CD from my dad and put it in heavy rotation. They're GREAT!!!!!



I have no words.... Just watch. Notorious B.U.M. aka J Slash

Here he is again... (peep how he gives out other people's numbers as his contact information at the end) Shame.....

Thanx, Purple

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

THIS JUST IN!!......Amel Larrieux is FRIGGIN GREAT!

From her days with Groove Theory (remember them?) I have been in love with Amel Larrieux. She has one of the most beautiful vocies I've ever heard. I'm a little late, but her latest single is called 'No One Else" and it was featured on the Why did I get Married? soundtrack. I am absolutely in LOVE with this song. It's so simple and her voice is so clear. I've been listening to it on repeat for three hours and counting. Enjoy.....

Remember this one?

Yea, Yea.... More Sci-Fi

So I just randomly remembered this series of books I used to read in junior high called REPLICA. The stories centered around a thirteen year old girl, Amy, who at the age of 13 realizes that she has special abilities. She has super human hearing, sight, strength, speed, and intelligence. These powers seem to come out of nowhere, although as she looks back, she's never been sick, has always been good at sports, and never tires, but gets good grades. Later she discovers that she was genetically created with the best genes from select humans. Her mother, she finds, was one of the scientist working on the project that created her and a host of clones just like her. After it was discovered that the people in charge of the project meant to use the clones for evil, the scientists, including Amy's "mother", burn the lab, distributing the clones throughout the world and go into hiding. Through the series Amy discovers all kinds of things about herself, the other Amys, and the people who mader her, all while trying not to be found out, because if they find her who knows what will happen.

Anyway.... the sereies has about 24 books. Unfortunately I only got up to about numer 18, but while I was reading them I enjoyed every page. Good Stuff.....
Yea, that's all.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm A SCI-FI Freak! And Proud of it.....Vol. 2...

Continuing on my science fiction journey I have to stop and acknowledge the movie, The Time Machine... the original (made in 1960). My parents and Aunt used to talk about this movie when I was younger and when I finally saw it I was in awe. I think time travel is extra interesting and it is partly due to this movie. The movie is based of the 1895 novel by H.G. Wells, which made the idea of time travel popular in his time. In the movie a scientist, known only as the time traveler, goes forward in time and witnesses the horrors of war in both 1940 and 1966. He then travels far into the future where the human race had been divided into two new species.

The film is noted for its then-novel use of time lapse photographic effects to show the world around the Time Traveller changing at breakneck speed as he travels through time. Even though we have made advances in special effects far beyond that which are in this movie, you have to appreciate them for what they represented at the time. This is classic sci-fi... you gotta love it :-)

Here's a trailer.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

90s Moment....3.0

Remember... Heavy D. & the Boyz? Well I definitely do. They hit the scene in '87 (How old were you then?) and were hot stuff for a while. I remember when Now That We Found Love came out, even though I was only like 5 (in '91). My uncle used to play this all the time and I had to learn it so i could sing it with him. This is one of the first rap songs I learned the words to. I recorded the song off the radio and did the whole learn, rewind, play, repeat thing until I knew all the words. I was a little joe, but so what. I even made up a dance to it back then. Ha!... Good times. So now..... Let's Take it Back...... Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I just might like.... Solange.....Yea I know

So I've been listening to some of Solange Knowles' new music and I'm feeling her right now. I must admit that I never cared much about her before, but I was pleasantly surprised by her new material. She is going for a different sound than she has before and it is very different from her sister's body of work (which is refreshing, although I luv Bee). I really hope that she will do well with this project and finally get some much needed credibility as an artist. Her new album will be called Soul Angel and the Hadley Street Dreams. Interesting title. I'll be listening for more of her stuff. Check it out, you might just like her too!

I really like this one...

She's a weed head... who'da thunk it?

last one

Look What I Found......threadless.com

Ok, I may be a little late on this one, but I just discovered a really cool website... .com. This is a site where you can buy tees with ORIGINAL designs. I like it because all of the designs are made by regular people. People can submit their designs on the site and over a period of seven days the threadless community scores and comments on the design. From there the staff at Threadless decides whether on not to use the design for a shirt (which could take a while.... one girl's design went to print two years after submission... but don't give up!) If chosen the designer gets $2,000 in cash, $500 Threadless Gift Certificate (which can be redeemed for $200 cash), and $500 in cash each time your design is reprinted. Very Nice....So if you have an aspiring designer in you go for it! If not, go and BUY :-)

I think that is pretty cool. Here are SOME of my favorites. I have more but i don't have time to put them all up. Plus it would be extra long (the post that is). As you can see, I'm quite fond of the way things stand out on black. I can't wait to get some of these.... Enjoy.

They have nice titles too.... You'll have to check out the website for all that though.