Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Drumroll Please..... The Treasure Hunt of the Century...... Somebody is Creative

Have you ever been asked to play a game without any knowledge of what you're in for? Well I had the pleasure of playing a game that a friend created and it turned out to be the Greatest Treasure Hunt EVER!!!!
Here's a summary......
  1. A letter was left on my car that I could not open until morning and it told me to throw on clothes and put on a special watch. I then had to jump in the car and thus, the adventure commenced.....
  2. off we go......

  3. Phase One - Go to park, look under designated picnic table for letter and toy (a very important Spiderman toy),before opening the letter go to the top of the hill in the park and take a picture playing with the toy. So much fun!

At the picnic table (where the toy was) a man was chilling; enjoying the day I guess. I was really nice and kind of laughed when i said I was on a treasure hunt. Lol....


    he got me..

  1. Phase Two - Second letter says....Go to a school playground, find another letter and glasses in a slot by old pool house. Before opening the letter, take a picture swinging on a swing and another sliding down the slide, both with the glasses on

At this stop I met a cop who was walking a dog. I looked at me a little suspiciously, but kept it moving.

    Lol... I'm a BIG kid.

  1. Phase Three - Third letter said... Go to recreation center, under top level of bleachers find another letter and a picture. Before opening the letter, take a picture kissing the picture on pitcher's mound of baseball field.

On my first try there was a baseball game in process so I had to postpone this phase of the game for a while... But I did it just like I promised :-)

  1. Phase Four - The fourth letter said.... Go to abandoned house, look in mailbox and find the last letter and a surprise (THE PRIZE), before opening the letter take a picture in front of house (which had a forest of grass growing in lawn) and another with a pile of crazy grass in hand while showcasing a special watch.

The old couple living next door to the house looked at me ALL crazy when I walked up to the mailbox, but after I told them about my mission they laughed and the man said something "funny" about the crazy grass.

  1. Phase Five - Post a blog about the adventure and open THE PRIZE

The prize was a cd with the pictures from the Kanye Concert that I'd been waiting for. When I got home I was still a bit JOE so I decided to take some more pictures of the treasures I found.

This was the most random, fun, romantic adventure game thing I have ever played. The journey began at 9am on a Saturday morning. And I was down for whatever. I like surprises and having fun so I didn't ask any questions. Next time someone (that you trust) asks you to play a game. Play.... You"ll be happy you did. I was :-)

Thanx, Mr. Chocolately Good